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Barang baru ORIGINAL dan Bergaransi 1 Tahun !


- 4 Combi Connector support XLR dan MONO input.
- 1 Stereo input.
- Built-n soundcard dan USB interface.
- 2.5 inch LED Display.
- MP3 Multifungsi dengan REC dan BT function.
- Buil-in digital feedback suppressor (mencegah howl).
- Input signal bisa direkam di smartphone atau komputer.
- 3 Bands EQ di setiap channel.
- 48V phantom power supply terpisah di setiap channel.
- 6 macam efek khusus soundcard.
- 99 macam DSP EFF, setiap EFF dapat disesuaikan terpisah.
- 3.5mm phone port.
- Bluetooth

Include :

1X Mixer USB
2X Mic Wireless UHF
1X Kabel USB
1X Kabel AC PLN
1X User manual
1X Guarantee Card

Recording Tech PRO Super RTX6+ Mixer Audio With 2 Wireless Microphone


    Perum Griya Mahkota F-7

    Jl. Godean Km 4.5

    Kwarasan, Gamping, Sleman

    Yogyakarta 55592

    ©2020 by zealmusik. All rights reserved.


    Monday - Saturday


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    Zeal Musik: Pusat Peralatan Home Recording Terlengkap di Yogyakarta

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